Among the many diseases that afflict the human body, one of the most dreaded has to be breast cancer. Potentially disfiguring and deadly, if left untreated, the cancer can spread to other areas of the body, further increasing chances of death. Luckily, modern cancer treatment has evolved to the point that if caught in time, the disease can be put into remission. Cancer of the breast is especially unnerving for women as it can also involve removal of the affected breast, leaving one feeling depressed aesthetically unappealing.

Fortunately, places like New York have very qualified cancer specialists who can treat the disease efficiently. Since cancer is also pretty common in the United States, a lot of research and investment has gone into coming up with treatment methods that can effectively cure cancer. Specialists of breast cancer in NYC can be found in any one the cancer treatment facilities. One could also research doctors over the internet and compare their skill.

Aside from cancer, NYC gynecologist have proven to be very efficient in treating a number of ailments that can afflict a woman’s body. They may also refer you to other specialists if the problem is beyond their ability to solve.

When choosing the right NYC gynecologist, check their credentials, experience, reputation and success rate. These factors prove vital when seeking out any doctor, be it for gynecology, breast cancer and other illness. You can also play it by ear and ask friends, colleagues and family to refer a competent doctor. Know that specialists who see a steady stream of patients are more likely to be good at what they do than those with impressive titles but poor reputations.

You should be informed of the various types of treatments available. You should also get a second opinion to confirm what your doctor says. If their advice conflicts, then get a third opinion. Diseases like breast cancer require proper treatment and, sometimes, surgery so you should be made aware of all your options.

Ask your doctor questions about his qualifications, success rate, experience and everything related to his credentials. If a doctor seems unreceptive to your questions, take it as a sign that something could be wrong and find yourself another specialist.

_ While breast cancer is not typically considered a gynecologic cancer, many women are concerned about the relationship between the diseases. Diagnosis is critical for determining an appropriate treatment plan. Our Service is a unique gynecological oncology program that has a dedicated gynecological pathologist service that identifies different forms of gynecological cancer.

There are many gynecologists who can help women diagnose breast cancer NYC and other types of cancers. Between 10-20 percent of ovarian cancer cases do have a genetic predisposition. A breast cancer gene (BRCA) creates a link between breast and ovarian cancers and is responsible for this predisposition. If someone in your family had ovarian cancer before reaching menopause or if you have multiple family members with breast cancer, you should speak with your physician.

Ovarian cancer symptoms can be vague and increase over time. If you have symptoms of abdominal bloating, pelvic pain or discomfort, a feeling of fullness quickly after eating, unexplained weight gain or weight loss, changes in bowel habits or a frequency of urination for more than two weeks, consult your physician. Early detection increases survival and cure. A Pap test does not detect ovarian cancer.

The human papillomavirus (HPV), which is passed through sexual contact, is the cause for most cervical cancers. Most women who have HPV infections never know it. This is why gynecologists NYC recommend regular Pap tests. As a general rule, it is also recommended to consult with a physician if you have any abnormal bleeding, pain in the abdominal or pelvic areas, or unusual discharges. Post-menopausal woman who experience any abnormal vaginal bleeding or spotting should be evaluated immediately as this could be an indicator for endometrial cancer.

Possible Signs of Inherited Predisposition to Breast and Ovarian Cancer:

  1. Having two or more close relatives in the family diagnosed with breast cancer prior to age 50.

  2. Having one close relative diagnosed with breast cancer prior to age 50 and a second relative diagnosed with ovarian cancer at any age.

  3. Being diagnosed with breast cancer yourself before age 50.

Women who have inherited a genetic mutation known as Lynch Syndrome have an 80% lifetime risk of getting endometrial cancer. Again, it is important to speak with your physician about your family history to see if it makes sense to undergo a more in-depth evaluation with our genetic expert